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Manufacturing Facilities

Phillips Scott's furniture manufacturing facilities are located in Southeast Asian countries. These countries are helping to aid us in our development with an emphasis on the use of sustainable forestry practices and materials for the styling of our products.


Our hospitality furniture components are all machine-made.  Professional furniture artisans complete the product assembly and finishing process following the international SOP.


The quality control on each step of the manufacturing process is our key strength to ensure and to improve our quality standards.


By combining technology and professional skills, we offer you high-quality products at a competitive price.


Southeast Asia - No Import Duty Fees 


Factory Certifications

Forest Stewardship Council - FSC
ISO 9001

ISO 14001

Manufacturing Locations:

Factories in Vietnam

  • Small - Medium - Large Scale Custom Projects

Factories in Indonesia 

  • Small - Medium - Large Scale Custom Projects                     ( Outdoor Custom Products Available )


Factories in China

  • Small - Medium Scale Custom Projects

United States Facility

  • Small - Scale Custom Projects & Finishing 


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